As a Pastor to Kids, I am often asked one question that has always been tough to answer: “Do you know of a good devotional book our family could go through?” I’ve recommended some in the past, but kind of cringed at the artwork or the blocky way the text was laid out inside the devotional book. Then I heard about Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 fizztastically fun experiments and devotions for families. Now I absolutely know which devotional book I will be recommending to families: this one!
Brock Eastman has put together 52 devotions that include a Scripture passage, devotional, discussion questions, prayer prompts, and a science experiment. Each science experiment connects with the Bible story in organic and fun ways, and kids will find it easy to see the truth of God’s Word through their experiments in God’s World! Every science experiment has detailed instructions, pictures, and material lists so you’ll know exactly how to lead your family each time. The supplies aren’t super hard to find outside of online shopping or the local grocery or dollar store. The entire book is laid out in Genesis to Revelation order, which helps kids keep the flow of the story as they go along.
The artwork throughout the book is also incredible! The entire book is full color and lays flat when open so that way you don’t have to try to keep a finger on the page while you conduct your science experiments and then talk about God’s Word and World together afterward. Kids will definitely love the fun art style, and the pages are easy to read too, so your kids could read out loud even while parents and guardians listen. The book is structured more for a family to do together, not so much for a child to do on their own.
There are also five bonus devotions built around holidays with some fun and festive experiments tagging along!
This book would also work great for Children’s Pastors wanting to add an object lesson to a particular Bible story they are teaching. The experiments are all extremely visual, and there are links in the book to videos of how to do each experiment in case you get a little stuck.
Overall, this is one of the absolute best devotional books I’ve seen I think ever. It is definitely on my Top Recommended List for families looking to add a devotional practice to their spiritual formation at home.