BOOK REVIEW: When Bad Churches Happen To Good Pastors by David & Lisa Frisbie

When Bad Churches Happen to Good Pastors: Why Pastors Leave and What You Can Do about It

When Bad Churches Happen to Good Pastors: Why Pastors Leave and What You Can Do about It by David Frisbie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Churches can be a wonderful place — a family that cares for one another, worships God together, and comes every Sunday to find encouragement and refreshment from God’s Word through the words and actions of a pastor. However, churches can also be incredibly painful places to serve — places where pain is meted out quickly and readily by church members, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. In their book When Bad Churches Happen to Good Pastors David and Lisa Frisbie tackle the difficult subject of churches that hurt pastors.

Using a conversational style, the Frisbie’s sit down with multiple pastors who have walked away from ministry after difficult pastorates in difficult churches and interview them about their experiences. These stories range from hilarious in hindsight to heartbreaking. Along the way, the authors identify different kinds of church issues that can arise and lead to a pastor’s self-exit, sometimes leaving the congregation blindsided and asking what happened.

Each chapter is focused on a different aspect of “bad” churches:

* Fights for power or control within a church body

* Church “dynasties” — families that control the decisions of the church

* Church “bosses” — individuals who have been around long enough or give enough tithe to push decisions in a certain direction

* Conflicts between groups within the church that lead to the pastor being caught in the crossfire

* Churches with wounded pastors who are not cared for spiritually, mentally, or financially

This book is a must read for church boards, denominational leaders, and pastors who have been through the trauma of a difficult church, if for no other reason than to realize that the problems in one congregation are not unique. Across the United States there are churches who cause problems that leave pastors wounded in the process.

The call is clear: the church needs to deal with issues within their own congregations, support and encourage their pastors, and when sin rears its ugly head, face it dead on and deal with it in a biblical, loving manner. Lead pastors need our appreciation and support.

While this book does not cover When Bad Pastors Happen to Good Churches, it does touch on the flipside of the topic and dives deep into what churches can do to strengthen the pastorate and care for the people in the pastor’s family. For churches dealing especially with high pastoral turnover, this book could shed light on the hidden or open problems within the church congregation itself.

BOOK REVIEW: The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Ted Dekker & Rachelle Dekker

The Girl Behind the Red Rope

The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Ted Dekker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grace saw something. It rattled their church building. It shook the pews. And it threatened to invade their souls unless they retreated behind the red rope. The red rope meant safety from the evils lurking in the woods just beyond. But when someone steps over that rope, everything will change forever, because now nothing is stopping the evil from creeping into the town that had always been home.

It’s been a while since I read a Ted Dekker novel, and with The Girl Behind the Red Rope he’s partnered with his daughter, Rachelle Dekker, to write a scary story reminiscent of the best parts of M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village and also Ted Dekker’s own Water Walker novel. A highly religious community facing unspeakable horrors lurking in the dark, this book definitely did enough to linger long after I had set it down. While I wouldn’t say this is my favorite book from Dekker, this one definitely has a lot of the stylistic Dekker suspense.

The main character Grace is the most fleshed out here, and we spend most of the novel from her point of view as she tries to determine what is real and what is not. We also follow her spiritual journey and see the questions she asks of the realities and imaginations surrounding her. She felt like a real person in many ways, with real responses to the horrifying world she’s found herself in.

Dekker’s personal theology comes through here, and it seems he’s taken some cues from people like Father Richard Rohr, who advocates for talking in terms of original goodness of humanity versus original sin. The idea is that Adam and Eve in the garden had “original goodness” long before they had “original sin.” They were basically good, but fell into darkness (For more on Rohr’s thought pattern, see The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr). This idea permeates the novel, and definitely sparks some conversations about what is evil, how does it interact with humanity, and what does it mean to find freedom in Christ. Dekker has dealt with this idea before, specifically in Outlaw and The Outlaw Chronicles.

That said, The Girl Behind the Red Rope is a deep dive into the question of evil. If you’re a Ted Dekker or Rachelle Dekker fan, this will be a welcome novel in the vein of their previous works, delivering much of the suspense fans have always enjoyed.

BOOK REVIEW: Eye of the Oracle, book #1 in the Oracles of Fire series by Bryan Davis

Eye of the Oracle (Oracles of Fire, #1)

Eye of the Oracle by Bryan Davis

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It took me more than a year to finally finish reading Bryan Davis’ Eye of the Oracle, book one in the Oracles of Fire series, the sequel series to Dragons in our Midst. That said, this book was broken into three separate books which follow one story throughout the more than 600 page novel, set from the dawn of time to modern day.

The story revolves around an Oracle of Fire named Saphira, and her showdown with evil both face to face and vicariously through the lives of others she has influenced and impacted. This book answers many questions raised during the first series: how did the dragons become humans and why were they driven to transform? Who is Morgan and what has been her plan all along? How did Bonnie Silver end up in West Virginia to meet Billy? Many details are filled in, however, there are also many times throughout the book where I had to go back to the first four novels and look up who was who and why they were where they were. It was difficult to keep track of the who’s and what they had done.

However, I will say, I was never bored while reading. The storyline is intriguing and seeing how Davis intertwines his world of dragons with the biblical narratives (especially some of the more obscure stories such as the Tower of Babel and the Nephilim), and as a pastor, I found those aspects of the book fascinating.

This is a very intriguing opening to a new series since it takes place before the events of the first four books. Book two picks up where the first series ended, and I will admit I’m highly interested to see what happens next.

I definitely do not recommend reading this book if you haven’t read the first four Dragons in our Midst novels, as you will be lost. However, the journey is interesting and never boring.

BOOK REVIEW: The Gates of Neptune, book #2 in The Seven Sleepers series by Gilbert Morris

The Gates of Neptune (Seven Sleepers, #2)

The Gates of Neptune by Gilbert L. Morris

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Picking up right where book one, Flight of the Eagles left off, Gilbert Morris continues the fantasy adventure of The Seven Sleepers in book two, The Gates of Neptune. Sarah and the other six sleepers must travel underwater to save the lost kingdom of Atlantis as darkness threatens to overtake not only the land, but also the seas. If they can’t stop the Dark Lord in time, then all of the ocean will belong to the powers of evil instead of the mysterious Goel.

While book one focused in on Josh as a main character, this second volume continues the story from Sarah’s point of view. While the storyline here is fairly pedestrian and obvious, what is so incredible is the amazing setting Morris has given us. From the sunken city of Atlantis to the Sea of Rays to riding dolphins and sharks and killer whales through the water, I was continually enthralled with the locations the characters traveled through.

We do find out some new information about the villains of the series, which offer some intriguing counterbalance to the Sanhedrin, which so far has taken prominence as the main antagonists against Goel.

Again, this series continues to come across as slightly edgy for a Christian fantasy series for younger readers. Romance is at play here, and while it is hopelessly tame compared to other books, The Gates of Neptune is surprisingly filled with relationships between characters. It was a little bit shocking, especially since the main characters are all supposed to be young teens, and in most Christian fantasy fiction geared for this age range, romance is barely a thought.

All said, this continues to be an intriguing fantasy series. I remain somewhat shocked that I have never picked them up until now, but here we are, on to book three!

BOOK REVIEW: Flight of the Eagles, book #1 in The Seven Sleepers series by Gilbert Morris

Flight Of The Eagles (Seven Sleepers, #1)

Flight Of The Eagles by Gilbert L. Morris

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I remember hearing my older brother talk about this series growing up. I never picked up the first book to read it, so I just skipped the whole series. Until now. On a whim I decided to see what my brother had liked so much about the Seven Sleepers series, and picked up book one, Flight of the Eagles.

“Not prepared” is exactly the phrase I would use to describe this fascinating, slightly edgy Christian fantasy novel. The story begins with nuclear war decimating the entire known world, and seven teenagers being left in stasis to wake up and one day save the world from darkness. I kept thinking while I read, “Gilbert Morris isn’t going to go there, is he?” And then he would. Parts of this story are gloriously dark for a Christian fantasy series, and parts are obvious allegory. However, Morris weaves so many threads together so deftly, that I was genuinely pulled in throughout the entire book.

That said, the book does show its age. Some of the conversations from one character in particular venture on slightly racist, however, this character does grow and change throughout the book, and his attitude is portrayed as not one that is loving towards others. There is an underlying tension between the lone African American character and the Southern “cowboy,” and in the climate of today’s racial tensions, this seemed very real and yet uncomfortable. Parents should certainly read this ahead of time to determine what they think for their own kids with regard to some of the non-politically correct things characters say here and there on this topic. Nothing is in the actual narrative, and Morris seems to be working at portraying these characters as having attitudes that are their own.

All said, some of the final plot twists are somewhat apparent from the beginning, but other mysteries unravel in surprising ways.

Here’s on to book two!

BOOK REVIEW: Master of Phantom Isle, book #3 in the Dragonwatch series by Brandon Mull

Master of the Phantom Isle (Dragonwatch, #3)

Master of the Phantom Isle by Brandon Mull

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**WARNING: Some Spoilers for Previous Books Ahead**

After the heart-pounding ending of Wrath of the Dragon King, Brandon Mull does not disappoint with the third entry in the Dragonwatch series: Master of the Phantom Isle. Kendra and Seth will explore new places, go deeper than they ever have before, and face foes they never imagined could exist.

I don’t want to say too much about the plot here, but I will say for the eighth book in the Fablehaven saga, Mull manages to keep things fresh. Seth lost his memories at the end of the last book, and the ramifications of that event play throughout the novel. Mull is on the top of his writing game in creating a character we know well who doesn’t know who he is at all.

As usual, Mull takes us into some uncharted territories as Kendra and Seth explore new worlds within the world of Fablehaven, and there are more rare objects, mysteries, and puzzles to find, explore, and solve. It might help a reader to go back and glance through the previous two novels to refresh before reading this one, as I had forgotten a couple of key details that became major plot points in this book. Coming into this series with this book would definitely be confusing, so go back and read the others before diving in on this one.

All said, Mull keeps giving us more of what we’re looking for, and now 18 novels into his writing career, each story is as fresh, exciting, and fun as ever.

BOOK REVIEW: Inside the Transformative World of Children’s Ministry by Kyle Tyler

Inside the Transformative World of Children's Ministry

Inside the Transformative World of Children’s Ministry by Kyle Tyler

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If there is one book that a Children’s Pastor, a Lead Pastor, a church board, or Children’s Ministry volunteers could read, it is Inside the Transformative World of Children’s Ministry by Kyle Tyler. As I read through, I could not help underlining, highlighting, and literally thanking God that someone had taken fingers to keys and written this down. Tyler has so many important things to say about Children’s Ministry and the church, and we need to listen.

Starting from a macro view of what Children’s Ministry is, does, and should be, Tyler traces through the philosophy behind ministry to kids, and then in later chapters moves to more practical, shoes to the pavement, advice and ideas. Children’s Ministry is not just about “watching the kids” while the adults “do the real spiritual work;” kids are full members of the body of Christ, and as Tyler says here, holding a baby in the nursery and telling them God loves them is an act of worship.

Lead Pastors, please read this book.
Church boards, please read this book.
Children’s Pastors, ministers, directors, and volunteers, please read this book.

It really is that important. We can’t afford to let our kids’ ministries slip through the cracks. It should be one of the first ministries we pour time, effort, and funds into. Thank you, Kyle Tyler, for such an important book on ministry to children.


I have a somewhat long history with Wayne Thomas Batson’s Sword in the Stars, book one in the newly renamed The Myridian Constellation series. I picked up the original version of this book when it came out almost 10 years ago now after reading his Isle of Swords pirate novel. I got about one-third into that version and put it down for other books, as I felt a little bored and left wondering when the story would pick up.

So when I saw that Batson was about to re-release Sword in the Stars in an “author-ized” version, I was intrigued and somewhat excited to try this epic fantasy series again. And I must say: it did not disappoint. If you are looking for an incredible, action-packed fantasy adventure with elements of horror, this is definitely the series to read.

Just when retired-assassin Alastair Coldhollow is ready to give up hope of ever finding the coming Halfainin — a savior long-promised to save the land of Myriad — a mysterious constellation appears in the sky: a sword in the stars. As Coldhollow searches for the Halfainin, dark forces stir setting into motion a plot that will change what the world has known about everything. Ancient evils whisper in the darkness. Half-hearted kings seek new resolve. And nation rises against nation, seeking to end life for anyone standing in their bloodthirsty way.

Sword in the Stars is true epic fantasy with multiple plot threads weaving in and out of each other leading to a breathtaking climax. Part of the fun of a book like this is exploring the world the author has created. And Myriad is one of those worlds. There are so many cities, caves, secret passages, and forgotten corners of this world, it kept my imagination peaked. Batson is at the top of his game giving us a fleshed out setting without the copious amounts of descriptive passages upon passages. At the opening of every chapter are short vignettes from lore, holy books, fireside conversations captured on paper, and bits of almanac-esque information that serves to further expand the world set up here in the first of seven novels.

At times, I did wonder whether this book classified as a young adult novel or an adult fantasy epic novel. It sometimes wavers between the two, and most often in the way characters are depicted. At times some of the dialogue comes across as definitely belonging to a young adult book, but at other times, the action and violence seem to bring this book to the adult world. It straddles an interesting line, and I can’t help but wonder if that is simply because it was written under a YA banner ten years ago and then updated, or whether the author unintentionally wrote it that way.

Some of the characters are fairly obvious and straightforward and hit the tropes of a fantasy novel, and others are highly intriguing and kept me wondering when we would return to their storyline. Not all of the threads are tied off by the end of the book, and The Errant King in book two picks up with other characters and continues their stories.

At the end of the day, if you are looking for a beautifully written, fast-paced fantasy adventure, then I highly recommend Sword in the Stars.

BOOK REVIEW: NEVER SAY DIE, Book #11 in Anthony Horowitz’s ALEX RIDER Series

Six years ago when I finished the last pages of Scorpia Rising, I remember feeling satisfied with the ending to an epic series, but also sad to see some of my favorite YA characters sign off for good. So when I happened to spot Never Say Die on the shelves of my local bookstore, I grabbed it with a gasp. Alex Rider was back! I raced home and plowed through Anthony Horowitz’s latest, so excited to find out what happened next to the youngest spy in MI6.

Alex is grieving the death of his caregiver and friend Jack Starbright when he receives a mysterious email that Alex believes has to have come from her. He embarks on a journey to find out anything he can about what exactly happened to Jack. Is he being manipulated again by MI6? Or has a villain from the past resurfaced to take revenge? Only Alex Rider can stop what’s coming before it’s too late. Because the fate of hundreds of lives hangs in the balance — including his own.

Horowitz is back at the top of his game with thrilling chases, huge action set pieces, and crazy revelations. I would say Horowitz is always best when he’s racing through the action, and a little weak when it comes to characters. At the beginning of the book, Alex is really processing the death of Jack, and that felt surprisingly real, along with the hope that she might be alive. Throughout the novel, we’re kept guessing whether Alex is being manipulated or whether Jack is actually alive, and Alex’s emotions trail through that journey well.

One interesting thing to note here is that the typical plot formula of an Alex Rider novel is broken with Never Say Die. Usually there is an ending stinger where the main villains return after the plot has been foiled. But this time, that does not happen. No spoilers, but it was definitely a top-notch end to an insane ride. Also, fans should rejoice, because this doesn’t sound like the end of Alex’s adventures in espionage!

If you haven’t read an Alex Rider book, what are you doing with your life? Pick up Stormbreaker and see what the hype is about. And if you’ve been a fan all along, definitely dive into this latest installment in one of Horowitz’s best series to date.


I‘ve been looking for a fun new Middle Grade series to dive into, and I must say, after pounding through Carl Ashmore’s THE TIME HUNTERS, I think I might have found it! From the thrilling mystery shot into the dark of the opening pages to the final showdown with the villains, this book does not disappoint. Epic battles, chases, intrigue, a touch of heart-warming family bonding done well, all packed into the pages of this first installment of the THE TIME HUNTERS SAGA.

Becky and Joe are pretty average kids. Or at least they think so. Because when they visit their mysterious Uncle Percy Halifax for the summer, things are definitely above average. What Uncle has a sabre tooth tiger for a pet? Or rather mysterious companions who smell slightly of time travel? For that matter, what Uncle has a mission to complete for a friend who died in his arms? What begins as curiosity ends with an epic time-traveling adventure across, well, time and space!

Overall, this book had me in its grip throughout. Lots of adventure and mystery to keep me turning pages deep into the night. However, I will say a couple times I had to push through some middle sections before the action picked up again. Becky sometimes flip-flops between seeming like a thirteen year old and a three year old, which was a little jarring. And for pages at a time I forgot that she even had a younger brother.

But if you’re looking for a fun adventure series, this one definitely fits the bill. So rev up the campervan, or your other favorite time-traveling vehicle, and head into the past. You won’t want to come back to the future until it’s over!